This gorgeous women right here is having twin girls! And I am more than honored that I got to capture these beautiful photos for her and her husband. Danielle was a complete goddess!! and looked so freaking gorgeous!

She did amazing even though she had to take a few breaks to sit down and rest a bit. She was having a lot of Braxton hicks and the girls decided to kick her a bit during the session ha but she held up and did amazing! I loved every minute of this session. I loved how sweet both Danielle and David were, the humor they brought, just the love between them and LOVED the dresses Danielle had chose to wear! I am so thankful that she decided to donate them to my client closet to hopefully capture more gorgeous mommy to bes in them! I mean look how pretty they are!!!!!

Now this shoot turned out beautiful but behind the scenes the grass was full of duck poop! I mean there was no way of dodging this stuff but the show must go on! ha There was also a lot of ducks walking around and I love how they decided to keep the ducks in the photos. Also glad the ducks kept to themselves. Well, most of the time. A couple of them came up to me once looking like they wanted food but thankfully they kindly went away after I said I didn't have anything ha

But, despite all that! The thing I loved most of all was the small chit chat of how excited and how ready they were to bring these twin girls into this world. I also loved when this kind man who was walking by stopped to congratulate Danielle on her pregnancy and ended up having a small chat about how his wife also had twins. It was so sweet! But, speaking of twins .. twins actually run in this family as we learned that David is also a twin himself. While I was taking solo photos of Danielle, David decided to go sit on a bench a few feet back and we heard him talking so loudly ha Danielle explained that he must be talking to his brother cause he always gets SO loud when he talks to him. Anthony (my hubby) butted in saying that he gets the same way with his brothers as well and I agreed ha.

Ultimately, this couple was amazing and oh sooo sweet even despite the fact that David didn't want to be there taking photos he was a champ and did great! I loved picking on him saying we were gonna do a full hour of just taking photos of him ha but I really loved capturing these two together and hope even though he didn't want to take any photos that he is glad he did because look at how adorable these photos turned out...