Okay, this was the sweetest/ cutest session ever! ha Rattanakthida (I call her Thida) recently welcomed a new addition to their family, Noah on September 4th 2023. She booked me when he was still in her belly way in advance ha. She was super sweet and I just loved how she didn't want a single thing to be edited out of the photos (that newborn flakey skin and acne) it def gave me a lot less work! but I love how she wanted to keep that in and it was def one of her major requests ha. (NO PHOTOSHOP!) Don't have to pull my leg.. ha But, Noah was soooo cute and awake the whole time. Some poses he just wasn't having it ha so we moved on to something else and we sure did capture some cute photos.
Norman was definitely the star of the show though. This little man is the cutest thing and I enjoyed hanging out with him and capturing his cute little personality ha. He gave me a leaf that I told him I would hold onto and frame .. its currently still in my photography bag.. I should def get it out and put it somewhere special ha. Every client of mine holds a special place in my heart and I am just so honored that they chose me over hundreds of photographers in this world ha. What ever reason it could have been for I am always just beyond blessed cause without these amazing clients I wouldn't be able to do what I love!
Norman just loved taking photos though and kept asking if I still wanted him in the pose that he was in (his cute little voice is echoing in my head right now! haha) But he def made my job easier.
At first his smile was too forced so I tried my best to get some natural smiles out of him. The I'm gonna tickle you worked like a charm and he thought it was hilarious when some of his hair blew in his mouth and I said oh no! don't eat your hair! Which probably was a mistake to say cause after that all he wanted to do was try and eat his hair .. was even trying to grab it and put it in his mouth haha but, it definitely brought out some natural smiles and of course his cute little personality and that's what counts!
He is going to be such a good big brother though! He was so gentle with baby Noah and you can just tell he loves him. When I asked if he liked being a big brother he said " yeah but he gets pretty cranky at night sometimes" haha he's the cutest! I hope they grow up with a strong bond and create a forever friendship that will be like no other.