At first it seemed like the world was out to get me for this gorgeous momma's photoshoot. We had to reschedule this shoot not once but twice due the weather. (What's up with all this rain this year? ha)

The first time I was keeping my eye on the weather app and had to inform them that there was a high chance of it being really cloudy that day with a chance of rain so they decided to reschedule. The second time it was looking great!! We made it to the actual day of the photoshoot and the weather was looking good! So we headed down to the photoshoot location but guess what we saw...

clouds -_- not just normal clouds but rain clouds. So I double checked the weather app and it said it was going to rain right at our photoshoot time. We still showed up to the spot (my hubby and I) just to see what it looked like at the actual photoshoot location and there was a giant dark gray cloud just coming our way and it was currently sprinkling. So I had to call Francia up and tell her (they were already all dressed up ready to go and on their way) and we decided it was best to reschedule. So fingers crossed!! 3rd time is the charm!! ha

The photoshoot day rolled up and she called me before her shoot stating that her husband was stuck at work and that he might be able to make it later in the shoot. Which he sadly couldn't make it but at least we didn't have to reschedule. All through this Francia was the sweetest thing ever and they were so understandable. Although, things were going wrong left and right we still managed to get beautiful photos of just her and her babies. Turning this little family photoshoot in to a mini and me. (which I absolutely adored!!) Yes, we were upset Daniel (Franca's hubby) couldn't make it but, hopefully (fingers crossed) we can get him in some family photos next time!!

However, this gorgeous momma and her kids were such a joy to photograph! Even though it was hot at least it wasn't raining ha but, poor Francia was feeling it. (I mean we were all sweating!! ha) I was so thankful I didn't check the blanket (I always bring to every session) after grabbing it from the dryer because it had a washcloth stuck in it. Which we ended up using to pat down Francia's face.

Also, Francia's son Daniel didn't really speak much english but knowing that in advance I tried to take the time to learn some Spanish words so I can talk to him and not so much through his parents. Such as hug momma or kiss sissy .. I literally made a cheat sheet on my wrist written in black sharpie ink just to make sure that through out the session I can try to personally guide him through prompts and poses. Which was fun ha (I wish I knew how to speak Spanish but i'm just way too lazy to try and learn it ha but it would be soo cool!)

Any way ha speaking of Daniel! he was the sweetest thing and LOVED being in front of the camera! I mean right away he was doing all these poses and wanted the camera all on him! ha Which was surprising to Francia because she told me he actually doesn't like to take photos. So funny! ha but he wasn't really into posing with everyone else and just wanted to play in the dirt but we managed to get him to do some! ha but, I just love how this photoshoot turned out and So happy Francia and her hubby love them so much as well.

Now, Elyze is the cutest thing!!! She was soo adorable and her outfits were so cute! Her pretty head bands down to her cute little anklet bracelet that sadly fell off during the shoot and we couldn't find it :( But she did great! She wasn't a huge fan of what was going on but she felt better when I talked to her and if momma was holding her ha. She LOVED picking on her brother and pulling hair is her favorite ha. And her cute curly hair! just like her brother! I just LOVED capturing these guys!!

Last but not least, Francia! She's not only super gorgeous .. I mean look at that gorgeous momma! She is also the most sweetest thing! Every conversation with her was so nice! She messaged me after looking at my website and booked me right away and ever since then it has been such a pleasure working with her and most of all freezing time for her.

You can also just tell how great of a mom she is and how much she loves her babies. She's definitely a super momma! ha I asked her if I could help her carry down some things cause we have to take a bit of a walk down to the photoshoot location and she kept telling me she was fine but I had to grab the diaper bag and carry that for her at least (while she carried Elyze in her car seat). Thankful that my hubby comes with me to help me out cause he carried Elyze back up for her while I carried everything else ha. (Should have had him carry her down as well but Francia was persistent and thats her baby after all and I mean she just met us ha so I didn't push that). She was amazing! and I am so grateful for clients like her. Grateful for all my clients in general for letting me live out my dream as a photographer.

In the end I am just so honored to be able to freeze time for people and capture photos like this that they can cherish, not only in their lifetime but their children's as well..