My first ever blog post!
Please be easy on me ha. I've been wanting to start blogging for FOREVER because I just LOVE talking about my clients and how their photoshoot went but i'm actually not so great with words but hey lets give this a shot! ha I always talk about my clients and how their sessions went on my instagram posts so why not make a whole blog about it! and what better way to start with this amazing family session that took place on June 17th 2023. On a hot late afternoon (approximately 5:30) with some crazy wind (I mean when has it not been windy in this high desert ha).
There was a guy there with his drone that eventually left even though I tried to give him space and felt bad for maybe bothering his drone time but this girl has a specific spot she likes to shoot at ha but thank you sir for kindly moving out of the way because if he didn't I probably would have been editing him out of every shot (NO THANK YOU ha) There was also some quads out and about which is the norm for this location but glad they kind of kept their distance. I think we only had to move out of the way maybe twice so they can pass by but other than that it went smoothly. 😊

This session came out sooo dreamy!! The colors and outfits they chose fit so well with this desert location located in Phelen (one of my favorite places to shoot at). I LOVE when my clients follow my style guide and their outfits blend so beautifully. Mayra's gorgeous blue dress and the little pops of blue in the boy's flannels 😍 I just love how they made the photos come out cause as I say your outfits can make or break a photoshoot session but any way that could be talked about in a different blog post ha.
This family is also among the three winners that won a free photoshoot with me this year (something I do every year! So if you want to try to get a full photoshoot with me for free make sure you follow me on instagram and keep an eye out for my yearly giveaway post 😉).
This is the second time I froze time for this adorable little family. The first time was when little Arturo was just a newborn (reference photos of first session below) and he LOVED the camera and was so content. I am soo excited that I got to see this family again! I just love freezing time for people over and over again, watching their family grow and being able to give them beautiful images they can cherish for a lifetime and more! It just warms my heart when clients keep coming back 🥰

Family newborn photo session (their first session with me)
Mayra and Angel are the sweetest couple and you can just see and feel the love that radiates through this little family and I enjoyed every minute of capturing them! Little Arturo who just turned one didn't know what to think of me at first and it took a bit to get the little cutie to smile ha but I just LOVED that the more the session went on the more his cute little personality came out. and man I could have been out there all night shooting this adorable family ha the only thing that would have stopped me was the sun going down. His favorite thing was playing in the sand which is pretty much every kids favorite at a desert location ha oh the amount of images I have of littles playing in the dirt and rocks ha it's so cute! He sadly he didn't want anything to do with mommy though and just wanted down so he can play. But we definitely got some good images overall 😊